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Enhance your employees' experience with Witco

A positive employee experience is essential for attracting and retaining talent. Witco offers a range of solutions to enhance your workplace and improve employee satisfaction, from flexible workspace options to lifestyle services and community events.

They improve employee experience in their workplace with Witco.

Boost your ability to attract and retain top talents.

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Make the workplace attractive

Attract and retain top talent by creating a workplace that is comfortable and inviting. Offer flexible desking and lifestyle services like concierge, catering, and green mobility to make life easier at work. A pleasant and enjoyable workplace leads to increased employee satisfaction and engagement.

Flexible workplace

As more and more businesses adopt hybrid work, it's important to create a workplace that is flexible and adaptable. Hot desking allows your employees to choose the right space for a task, whether it's working from home for deep focus or coming into the office for collaboration and socialization. 

Lifestyle services

Welcome your employees to a place designed to make their work lives easier: concierge services, office parcel delivery, wellness care, and green mobility options.

Create a supportive workplace environment for career development and growth

Foster a sense of belonging among your employees through team-building activities, inclusive community events and internal workplace communication.

Celebrate employee achievements and milestones

Witco helps you celebrate the successes of your employees with event planning and coordination. From life events to team achievements, you can create memorable celebrations that foster a positive and supportive workplace culture.

Engage your employees at the office

With Witco's interactive office map, forum and classifieds, create a more social and connected workplace that allows your employees to connect in real life and online through common interests.

Boost employee satisfaction with real-time insights

Use real-time insights on employee satisfaction to create a better workplace experience. Employee surveys’ results and ratings provide valuable information about satisfaction with your workplace offerings.

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Empower your workplace IT ecosystem

We integrate with 100+ partners to help you go further with managing your workplace

Employee experience

Witco, the all-in-one app for workplace management

Desk booking

Hybrid work management

Lifestyle services

Ticketing system

Indoor maps

Community building